CHROME Rulebook /// control


The core of a CHROME game is the Mission given to the Operators by Control. These directives are urgent. Operators are expected to proceed hastily towards their objectives and see every Mission through to its end - whether success or failure. That's just the deal when you work for Control.

Preparing the Mission

Create the Mission Brief

Choose an assignment type from the table below or create your own. This is the general goal or purpose of the Mission. Write a short description of the Mission objective to be read out loud to the Operators to begin the Mission.

Build the Scenes

  • Create a Purpose
  • Create a Location
  • Populate the Scene:
    • NPCs
    • Loot
    • Encounters
  • Calculate the Payout at the conclusion of the Mission.

(See Scenes and Encounters)

Running the Mission

  • Begin by reading the Mission Brief to the Operators.
  • Skip the boring stuff. If something is mundane and doesn’t represent a challenge or add to the story, just have it happen “off-screen” and get back to the game.
  • Eliminate travel between locations unless a relevant Mission Scene is going to take place on the route.
  • Don’t withhold necessary information to advance the Mission and story. This can be frustrating for the players and a waste of time. Operators should only make to acquire special information or unique insights into what is happening around them.
  • Once the Operators have accomplished the goal of a specific Scene (acquire particular info, kill the enemy, retrieve the object, etc.), move on to the next scene. Don’t spend a lot of extra time having the Operators engage in fruitless searching or investigating.


Completing Missions means credits, and credits represent gear, CyberTech, and advancement. It also means surviving another day in NLA, which for most is victory in itself. Every mission that the Operators undertake has a Payout in credits. Control may increase the Payout as the Mission becomes more dangerous or additional objectives are added.

Suggested Payouts per Operator

  • Approximately €3000 for a Mission lasting a single 2-3hr session.
  • Approximately €5000+ for complex Missions lasting multiple sessions.

Example Mission Brief

Mission Assignments

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Extraction: Remove someone from a dangerous situation; put them in a worse one.


Escort: Protect a transport vehicle, person, or item en route to its destination.


Strike: Attack or assault on a specified location.


Termination: Assassination or murder for hire.


Retrieval/Acquisition: Take possession of an item or property.


Courier/Smuggling: Deliver contraband or stolen goods.


Extortion: Force or coerce an individual or organization into a particular course of action.


Investigate/Recon: Acquire information or intelligence on a person or property.


Demolition: Destroy a facility or other targeted property.


TechOps: Hack a network, steal encrypted data, or sabotage technology.