CHROME Rulebook /// world

A Lost and Obsolete History

There is very little agreement as to the facts of history. Each MegaCorp and Cult Consortium purports to have the truth of what happened. Yet, their mythologies are so conflicted that any assertion of these truths is difficult to believe. Here’s what is known:

A triggering event, known colloquially as the Source, occurred at an unknown point many decades, perhaps even centuries before the present day. Some claim to have lived through this event, yet their stories are varied and confused. Depending on whom you ask, this event was a great singularity of engineered intelligence, an intrusion of forces beyond our dimension, or a spiritual awakening and rapture. Regardless of the true nature of the Source, it left the world forever changed in its wake. A great divide exists between what came before and since.

The past before the Source is obscured and unknown as if a haze has settled over humanity’s collective memory. While what passes for modern civilization has roots that stretch far back beyond this event, there are no history books, no maps - only fragments, relics, and whispers of the world before.

Though the nature of the Source remains a topic of great debate, specific effects on the world since have become inarguable. The world of CHROME is in many ways ultra-modern, yet it is also anachronistic: a dark age intermingled with cutting-edge technology.