CHROME Rulebook /// control

Systems of Control

Control as ‘Game Master’

In CHROME, there are two distinct aspects to playing the role of Control. The first is to function as narrator and facilitator of the game. This is the role typically known as “Game Master,” or simply “GM,” in many other tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs). It is the responsibility of Control to plan the Mission and run the Scenes of that Mission during the session.

Plan the Mission (Or run a prewritten Mission)

  • Determine the Mission’s assignment and create the Mission Brief.
  • Identify a few potential locations the Operators may visit.
  • Identify a few Non-Player Characters (NPCs) the Operators may encounter.

Describe Locations and Situations to the players

  • Present the atmosphere of a place, not just its layout.
  • Use all the senses in your descriptions. How does the abandoned laboratory smell? What sound does the biomechanical mainframe emit?
  • Invite the players to fill in the gaps.

RolePlay NPCs

  • Give each relevant NPC a defining physical characteristic. The Scrapper has a pink mohawk.
  • Give each relevant NPC a motivation. The Cultist wants to mislead the Operators.

Run combat encounters

  • Choose enemy actions and attacks during their turn.
  • Roleplay and describe the enemy’s actions.
  • Record the inflicted on the enemy.

The Voice of Control

The second aspect of playing Control, which differs from many other TTRPGs, is roleplaying Control’s actual character/organization in-game. In CHROME, Control is the voice at the other end of the comms, aiding the Operators on their Mission and pushing them further into dark and dangerous situations. Control’s motivations are always a mystery, as is its identity. The Operators will never meet Control or learn its goals. The exact personality and relationship that Control has with the Operators are up to each GM to decide. The voice of Control can sound however you choose best suits your game.

  • Provide the Assignment.
  • Provide resources and direction to Operators on Mission.
  • How accessible Control is and how much assistance it will provide to the Operators is up to the individual GM.