CHROME Rulebook /// operators


Getting Paid

Working for Control is treacherous and often deadly, but it pays well. Operators receive generous allotments of credits for completing various assignments, but the real payoff is access gained; access to weaponry, armor, vehicles, and above all - CyberTech. Operators possess gear that most people would never dream of acquiring or carrying openly without suffering Cult or Corp retribution.

Whenever a mission is completed to Control’s satisfaction, all Operators involved receive their credit allotments and access to Control’s CyberTech clinics. They may purchase modifications of their choice and have them immediately implanted during their Downtime.

Skill Advancement

Operators may learn new through Control’s proprietary neurological enhancement and enrichment technology. These Skill enhancements are paid for in credits just as any piece of equipment or CyberTech.

New Skill Cost: €5000