CHROME Rulebook /// extras

Glossary Terms

Roll a d100 twice and choose the better result.
The origin of an Operator before they joined Control: Cult, Corp, Street, or Military.
Damage done by Security Constructs to hackers.
Spending Conviction points to increase the chance of succeeding on a dice check.
The role of game master in CHROME. The organization that employs the Operators assigns them missions and rewards.
The measure of an Operator's inner reserve of willpower and confidence.
Critical Failure
Whenever you make a d100 roll, fail the check, and the result is doubles (e.g., 11, 22, 88).
Critical Success
Whenever you make a d100 roll, succeed on the check, and the result is doubles (e.g., 11, 22, 88).
The integration of cutting-edge technology with the human body to push it beyond biological limitations.
Entities of unknown origin that populate Voidspace and seek to corrupt computer networks and biological creatures.
Three (3) levels of damage are assigned to weapons and attacks: Standard (2 damage), Massive (4 damage), and Deadly (6 Damage).
Deadly Damage
6 Damage - Assigned to weapon or attack.
Death Presence
An incorporeal manifestation of a dead Operator. Each Background type manifests a different Presence upon death.
Roll a d100 twice, choose the worse result.
A permanent effect an Operator receives when they roll poorly on the Panic Table or fail a check while Burning Conviction.
The time the Operators spend between Missions in which they may heal damage and stress, and purchase skills, equipment, and CyberTech
An incorporeal manifestation of a Cult Operator once they've met death.
Dice-resolved conflicts that involve rolling initiative and acting in turn-based rounds.
A new field of study that fuses cutting-edge technology with dark occult rites.
Free Action
Simple actions in combat such as shouting a command, looking around, or taking cover.
An incorporeal manifestation of a Street Operator once they've met death.
Wrestling an opponent to restrict their movement or ability to act. Requires an Opposed Check.
Health Tracker
The amount of Damage an Operator or enemy can take before they die. For Operators, this value begins at 10.
The order in which Operators and enemies act during an encounter. Requires a Speed Check.
The role or type of an Operator chosen during character creation. An Operator's Loadout determines their starting weapons, equipment, CyberTech, and provides a unique bonus.
Major Action
Operators or enemies may take a more involved type of action during their turn, such as firing a weapon, reloading, or using an item.
Massive Damage
4 Damage - Assigned to weapon or attack.
Jobs assigned by Control to a squad of Operators.
Network Hacking
The type of hacking that requires the user to enter into a VR mesh construct via a Cranium Processor.
The character of a player in CHROME, an employee of Control.
Opposed Checks
An Operator and opponent both roll a Stat Check and compare their results. Whoever rolled lowest while still succeeding on their Check wins the Opposed Check.
An effect that happens to an Operator when they have received too much Stress and fail a Panic Check.
Panic Checks
Roll a d20: If you roll over your current Stress, you don't Panic. If you roll equal to or lower than your present Stress, you must roll on the Panic Effects Table.
Credits awarded to Operators for successfully completing Missions.
Prime Save
Whenever an Operator makes a Save using their Prime Save type, they will gain increased benefits on successful rolls and additional penalties for failed rolls.
The distance at which certain weapons are effective: Close, Short, and Long. Weapons often do different damage at different Ranges and are ineffective at others.
A period of 6 hours, during a Mission, where an Operator can attempt to heal damage and relieve Stress.
An incorporeal manifestation of a Military Operator once they've met death.
During an Encounter, a round represents about 10 seconds in the game world, in which each Operator and enemy takes a turn.
The four (4) attributes that a character uses to resist forces that attempt to assail their body and mind: Sanity, Fear, Body, and Reflex.
Roll a d100: Compare the result on the die against your score in that Save. If you roll under that score, you succeed. If you roll equal to or above that score, you fail.
The place where the action happens during a Mission. Scenes revolve around a specific location, have a purpose to the Mission, and often contain Encounters the Operators must overcome.
An incorporeal manifestation of a Corp Operator once they've met death.
The number of times an Operator can fire a weapon before it needs to be reloaded.
Categories of knowledge an Operator may possess. Core CHROME has 10 Skills.
Damage reduction provided by specific Armor and CyberTech.
The event which triggered the collapse of global networks and began the incursion of Voidspace.
Standard Damage
2 Damage - Assigned to weapon or attack.
The four values represent a character's inherent physical and mental abilities. The four Stats are Strength, Speed, Intellect, and Combat.
Stat Check
Roll a d100: Compare the result on the die against your score in that Stat. If you roll under that score, you succeed. If you roll equal to or above that score, you fail.
The measure of the tension and anxiety that builds within your character, bringing them ever closer to Panic.
System Rating
The measure of how complex a computer system is to hack. The three system ratings are Standard, Difficult, and Master.
The phase of an encounter round in which an Operator or enemy takes their actions.
An ethereal realm of darkness that infiltrated digital space and from which entities called daemons emerged.