CHROME Rulebook /// extras

Safety Tools

Role-Playing games offer fun and exciting ways to explore different characters, motivations, themes, and social situations. Whether player, game master or observer, everyone involved in a session deserves to feel safe and have fun. Safety Tools offer a variety of ways to help ensure the well-being and enjoyment of everyone at the table. Below are some examples of popular Safety Tools and links to learn more.

The X-card

by John Stavropoulos

The X-card is a tool that can be used during play to edit out any content anyone is uncomfortable with. When the X-card is used (by tapping on or showing a physical card, saying “X” out loud, or typing “X” into chat), the table simply edits out what has been X-carded.

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The O-card

by Kira Magrann

The O-card is a tool that can be used in tandem with the X-card. The O-card is used (by tapping on it, saying “O” out loud, or typing “O” into chat) for anyone to explicitly state that they are ok with what’s currently going on during play and want more of the content, and the table can lean into it.

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Stars and Wishes

by Lu Quade

Stars and Wishes is an after-play tool that can gather forward-facing feedback from everyone at the table. At the end of a session, everyone, including the facilitator, offers Stars (something they loved about the game) and Wishes (something they would like to see in a future session).

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These are only a few possible safety tools and systems that you can use at your table, and it’s essential to find the one(s) that work for you. Learn more about these safety tools and other alternatives in the TTRPG Safety Toolkit.