CHROME Rulebook /// gear


CyberTech Overview

CyberTech is the integration of cutting-edge technology with the human body to push it beyond biological limitations. While some augmentations can be found among the general population, such as ocular implants and standard limb modification, most CyberTech is the closely guarded property of Corporations and Cult Consortiums. Unlicensed cybernetic clinics and surgeons exist only as long as they remain hidden from their notice.

The notable exception is Control and its squads of Operators. For reasons that are not understood, Control can provide and outfit its Operators with all manner of bleeding-edge CyberTech - while mostly managing to avoid the wrath of Cult and Corporate interests.

While this seeming immunity extends to all Operators on Control’s payroll, it begs the question: what happens if an Operator decides to leave? No one seems to know because no one can find one - so perhaps that answers the question.

CyberTech Augmentation Slots

Every character sheet in CHROME begins with 12 Slots for adding CyberTech augmentations.

  • Headwear (4)
  • Bodywear (4)
  • Limb (4)

Enhancements to CyberTech equipment do not cost additional slots.

Installing New CyberTech

The singular most significant perk of working for Control, according to most Operators, is the access to CyberTech and its rapid installation. If an Operator has the credits, they can get any listed CyberTech installed during a period of Downtime.

If an operator decides to replace a piece of installed Cybertech with another, they may resell their old tech for half of its original cost.

CyberTech Enhancements

Certain pieces of CyberTech may have additional functionality added to them. These Enhancements may add additional Stat bonuses, bonuses, abilities, or new mechanics.

  • An Operator must have all necessary prerequisites listed in the Enhancement’s description before they can purchase it.
  • A piece of CyberTech can only have one Enhancement of each type applied to it.

Cybernetic Arm Servos


(+5 Strength) Powerful internal servo motors to increase lifting power

  • Prerequisite Tech:
    • Cybernetic Arm
    • Skeletal Reinforcement ‘Bones’

Cybernetic Leg Pistons


(+5 Speed) Hydraulic pistons increase agility, running speed, and jumping

  • Prerequisite Tech:
    • Cybernetic Leg
    • Skeletal Reinforcement ‘Bones’

Tactical CPU


(+5 Combat) Computerized aim assist and target tracking

  • Prerequisite Tech:
    • Cranium Processor