CHROME Rulebook /// gear

Weapon Stats


The distance at which certain weapons are effective. Weapons often do different damage at different Ranges. If a Range is not listed on the weapon’s description, it is not effective at that Range.

  • Close Range: Close quarters melee combat or point-blank firearms
  • Short Range: Within 20 meters
  • Long Range: 20 meters - 100 meters


Damage is represented by the amount of health subtracted from the Operator’s when an Operator takes physical harm. Weapons have three tiers of damage:

  • Standard (2 Damage)
  • Massive (4 Damage)
  • Deadly (6 Damage)


Shots represent the number of times an Operator can fire a weapon before it needs to be reloaded. Reloading most weapons requires a .

Critical Effects

Certain weapons have special effects when you roll a on a Combat Check while using them.

  • Knockdown
    • A human-sized (or smaller) target is knocked prone
    • A prone target must spend a to stand
    • While prone the target’s are made with
  • Sever
  • Ablaze
    • Set the target on fire
    • Target takes every until the fire is extinguished
  • Shock
    • Electrocute the target
    • Mostly organic targets lose their next turn
    • Synthetic targets take

SingleShot vs. Automatic

To simplify the use of weapons, CHROME does not specify a difference between single shot, semi-auto, or fully automatic weapons. Such things are factored into the weapons’ damage, , and crit abilities.


Thrown explosives devices, such as grenades, will do damage in a wide area. Most grenades can be thrown out to Short .

  • On a successful Combat Check
    • The grenade causes their Close damage to the target and their Short damage to everything else within 20 meters.
  • On a failed Combat Check
    • *The grenade does no damage as it bounces harmlessly out of range.
  • On a
    • The grenade explodes in proximity to the Operators. The Operator who threw the grenade and everyone within 20 meters takes the explosive’s Short damage.

*Situations may occur where grenades or other explosives are used in enclosed spaces, such as a small room. It is up to Control to adjudicate the effects of such bold and dangerous actions.

Ammunition & Reloading

CHROME does not require that characters purchase or track ammunition. It is assumed that Operators carry enough ammunition with them to accomplish their Mission.

Reloading most weapons requires a Major Action. Specific Gear and CyberTech may decrease or remove reload times.