CHROME Rulebook /// operators

Character Creation

Creating your Operator

In CHROME, players take on the role of Operators working as crews for an anonymous shadow organization known as ‘Control.’ To create your Operator, follow these steps:

Step 1: Character Bio

  • Create your Operator’s Handle (name)
  • Choose your :
    • Corp - Cult - Military - Street
  • Choose your Loadout:
    • Heavy - Tech - Slick - Dark

Step 2: Roll your Stats

  • Use the dice roller to roll 6d10 and add the results together
  • Enter the total in one of your 4 Stats:
    • Strength: Physical power and brute force
    • Speed: Quickness, agility, and hand-eye coordination
    • Intellect: Your ability to process and recall information
    • Combat: Your ability to fight
  • Be sure to add any Stat bonuses from your Background or
  • Repeat this 3 more times until all your Stats are filled
  • A Stat value can never go above 80

Step 3: Record your Saves

  • Record the starting values from your Background
  • Add any Save Bonus from your Loadout
  • Click the toggle next to your Background
  • A Save value can never go above 80

Step 4: Starting Skills

  • Enter the 2 starting from your Background
  • If you choose the Tech Loadout select a third Skill of your choice

Step 5: Starting Gear

  • Your Operator’s starting gear can be found in their Loadout
  • CyberTech - Add your starting CyberTech to your sheet in its appropriate slot.
    • Slots: Headware - Bodyware - Limbs
  • Weapons - Select 1 of the 2 weapon packages and add it to your Weapons section.
    • Statistics for each weapon can be found on the Weapons table
  • Armor - Add your starting Armor to the Armor Section
  • Equipment - Add your starting Equipment to the Equipment Section
    • Consumable items can be tracked separately from other equipment
  • Credits - Enter your starting Credits in the Equipment Section

Step 6: Fill out the rest of your Sheet

  • Condition Section:
    • : Begins at 20
    • : Begins at 10
    • : Total any Soak values from your Armor and CyberTech
  • and Distortion Section: - None to start
  • Death Presence Section:
    • Add the details of your Background’s Death Presence
  • Notes Section:
    • Trinket - Roll on the d100 Trinket Table
    • Patches - Roll on the d100 Patches Table
  • Squad Connection:
    • Before beginning their first Mission, or when a new Operator joins the Squad, players should establish a connection between their Operator and a Squadmate
    • Choose or roll on the d20 Squad Connections Table