CHROME Rulebook /// world

Styles of CHROME


CHROME finds its roots in many classic tech-noir film and media works such as Blade Runner, The Matrix, Ghost in the Shell, and Akira. An atmosphere that is dark, brooding, and highly stylized coupled with subject matter that is often menacing and violent.

Like most noir characters, Operators in CHROME are often morally ambiguous, fatalistic, cynical, and disillusioned. While their intentions can be noble, they are often flawed anti-heroes who struggle and eventually succumb to a bleak and uncaring world.

Cosmic Horror

The cosmic horror genre mocks humanity’s understanding of the universe as a false veneer over the actual reality that is so utterly indifferent that merely contemplating it is often enough to drive the human mind into delirium and madness. Humanity’s very existence, morality, and ethics are insignificant in the universe as it truly exists. In this vast and uncaring darkness lies unfathomable alien horrors whose motivations and intentions are beyond even the concept of evil.