CHROME Rulebook /// operators

Death Presence

Depending upon their , Operators each manifest in a specific form known as their Death Presence when they die. These Presences last until the end of the session or mission. At which point, the Presence fades out of existence.

Presences cannot speak aloud but may whisper into the minds of individual Operators (at Close Range), other Presences, and sentient beings. A Death Presence is a ghost-like entity, generally invisible and incorporeal, although players and Control may decide otherwise.

Each type of Presence has two abilities they can use to interact with the world around them. These abilities require different kinds of Stat Checks and Saves. The Presence uses the same Stat and Save values they had in life to make these Checks. If the Operator is killed during combat, their Death Presence will manifest at the end of the their next turn. During combat, a Presence can take one Major Action during their turn and may only use one of their individual abilities once per round. Additionally, a Presence is not able to spend Conviction in any way.


Background: Cult

  • Soothe
    If another Operator must make a Panic Check, the Echo can roll an Intellect Check. On a success, the Operator does not Panic but takes 1 Stress instead. On a failure, the Operator receives 3 Stress and rolls for an effect on the Panic table. The Echo must roll their Intellect Check before the Operator rolls their Panic Check.
  • Distract
    The Echo can use a Major Action to choose a target and make an Intellect Check. On a success, the target loses a Major Action on their next turn. On a failure, the target gains a Major Action on their next turn.


Background: Military

  • Bolster
    If another Operator makes a Strength, Speed, or Body Check or Save, the Revenant can roll the same Check or Save. On a success, the Operator can reduce their roll by 10. On a failure, the Operator adds 10 to the result of their roll. The Revenant must roll before the Operator rolls their Check.
  • Hurt
    The Revenant can use a Major Action to choose a target and make a Combat Check. On a success, the target takes Standard (2) damage, ignoring Soak. On a failure, the target heals 1 damage.


Background: Street

  • Throw
    The Geist can make a Strength or Intellect Check to hurl small inanimate objects with great force. On a success, the item is flung up to 10 meters in the direction of the Geist’s choosing. Causing Standard (2) damage to the object and anything it impacts. On a failure, the object strikes an allied Operator who takes Standard (2) damage.
  • Shove
    The Geist can use a Major Action to make a Strength or Intellect Check to shove an approximately human-sized or smaller biological target. On a success, the target is moved 10 meters in any direction of the Geist’s choosing and is knocked prone. On a failure, the target gets to take a Major Action immediately.


Background: Corp

  • Haywire
    The Shade can use a Major Action to make an Intellect Check when a target attempts to use a technological device (weapon, gear, CyberTech). On a success, the device malfunctions and is unusable for one (1) hour. On a failure, see Boost effect below. This ability can only be used once on a specific device.
  • Boost
    The Shade can use a Major Action to make an Intellect Check when a target attempts to use a technological device (weapon, gear, CyberTech). The device’s effect is enhanced on a success: weapons do double damage, CyberTech bonuses are doubled. This effect lasts for one (1) hour. On a failure, see the Haywire effect above. This ability can only be used once on a specific device.