CHROME Rulebook /// rules

Rest and Healing


Whenever you spend at least 6 hours resting, your Operator may attempt to relieve their and restore their . Usable once per day. To do so, they must:

Roll a Fear Save:

  • If you succeed, you can increase your Operator’s current Conviction score by 1 for every 5 points your succeeded by, rounding down.
  • A restores your Conviction to the maximum.
  • If you fail, you receive 2 Stress.
  • If you Critical Fail, receive 2 Stress and make a .


Once per day, a character who rests for a minimum of 6 hours can attempt to heal some of their physical damage.

Roll a Body Save:

  • If successful, add 1 Health from your for every 5 points the roll succeeded by, rounding down.
    • For Example, if a character with a of (45) rolls 28 on their save, they are successful and heal 3 damage.
  • On a failure, you do not heal.
  • A heals the Operator to full Health.
  • A causes your wounds to worsen, and you suffer 2 Damage.

Certain drugs, CyberTech, and equipment may assist in healing by conferring on the Body Save or increasing the amount of healing done. Conversely, the GM may decide that certain situations make healing more difficult and confer on the Body Save.


During long periods of downtime in between Missions, Operators may restore their Health and Conviction scores back to their maximum value through any combination of treatment and rest. Severed limbs can be reattached during this time, or the Operator may purchase a CyberTech replacement. For more information, see the Control - Downtime section.