CHROME Rulebook /// control


Downtime is mostly an out-of-character experience but can also include some roleplaying by the Operators if the players request such moments. Downtime is when the Operators heal up, unwind, and get equipped for whatever Mission that Control will assign them next.

Activities in Downtime

  • Heal to Operator:
    • Operators may restore their Health to its maximum, through any combination of treatment and rest.
    • Severed limbs can be reattached during this time, or the Operator may purchase a CyberTech replacement.
  • Restore :
    • Operators may restore their Conviction to its maximum, through any combination of personal activities and rest.
  • Install CyberTech and Purchase Gear:

Example Moments for Downtime

  • Reflect on past missions
  • Lo-Fi beats with the squad, drinks, and vibes
  • Reminisce about fallen Operators and discuss your inevitable gruesome deaths
  • Training montage