CHROME Rulebook /// world

Control and its Operators

Megacorporation-owned structures and headquarters are scattered across New Los Angeles. Cult temples and citadels in various forms loom over the landscape of steel and neon. The presence of these influential organizations is ubiquitous and undeniable. Yet another entity exists in the sprawl; it has no known physical location or base of operations. Its Operators, contractors equipped and augmented with black-market experimental tech, prowl the streets of the megaplex carrying out all manner of dangerous assignments. A name whispered throughout the street and highrise, this mysterious entity is known as “Control.”

Whether Control is an individual or an organization is not known. It communicates directly with its Operators via an analog commlink system, providing mission assignments and whatever information it deems necessary for their accomplishment. Control also provides its squads of Operators with essential equipment: from weapons to gear, to CyberTech. Such physical goods are delivered via drone or special Operators tasked with resupply and outfitting. Control’s goals are indecipherable, its assignments often contradictory - yet its influence is undeniable.

Operators are recruited from those individuals whose path in life has led them to some dead end. They are lost souls with little to lose, armed with valuable skills and abilities. Many are refugees from Corp or Cult, members of private military security forces, or opportunistic and unaffiliated residents from the streets of New LA. The life of an Operator is dangerous, thrilling, and often brutally short. When Control reaches out to prospective recruits with offers of credits, access, a new life, and opportunity - they inevitably find many who are willing to risk whatever they have left.