CHROME Rulebook /// world

New Los Angeles Primer

CHROME takes place in New Los Angeles, a dense metropolis of unknown millions sprawled out along the coast of an area that may once have been known as California. It is a city built over itself endlessly, such that the original bones are indistinguishable from the nested mess around them. A nearly ever-present marine layer hangs over most of the landscape, leaving it cloaked in a perpetually dark and slick haze.

Inner Wards

Inland, colossal megastructures loom over layered multilevel plates containing all varieties of densely packed urban life; these are the Inner Wards, home to the headquarters of the most powerful Megacorp and Cult Consortiums in NLA. These Wards are heavily restricted in their access, secured, and patrolled by these organizations’ private security forces. The population is made up nearly entirely of those who work for or serve these organizations.

Lower Wards

Surrounding the Inner Wards, spreading eastward to the edge of a dark and acidic sea - the city rises atop a series of struts, platforms, and winding superhighways known as the Lower Wards. These Wards are homes to the majority of the population of NLA, and while Corp and Cult exert tremendous influence here, there remain elements of society outside their direct control.

Outer Wards

Beyond the Lower Wards extending west and south of the city are the most ruined, sparsely populated, and exceedingly dangerous zones known as the Outer Wards. Home to roving biker gangs, murderous warlords, and Corp nightmares sealed away from prying eyes - the Outer Wards are more apocalyptic wasteland than urban sprawl.