CHROME Rulebook /// control

Starter Mission

Mission ‘Crawl’

Mission Assignment: Termination

Payout: €5000 per Operator

Keep this secret

What’s going on? Dr. Thurston was head of a corporate research lab attempting to develop synthetic wormlike biotics for use in both medical and military applications. During their research, the Doctor was corrupted by a daemonic entity that slowly began to warp their mind. Upon receiving reports of the Doctor’s unstable mindset, Aether Corp started closing the facility. Refusing to be separated from their research, the Doctor barricaded themself in the Lab’s sub-level, set multiple traps to prevent any intrusion, and began to merge fully with the daemonic entity which had infiltrated their mind.

Read this to the Operators

Scene 1

Location: ABI-Tech Lab 375 (Exterior)

Purpose: Gain entry into the lab

  • The lab’s exterior is a nondescript, windowless single-story building surrounded by a partially damaged chain link fence. There is a front entrance with a locked security keypad (System Hack - Basic) and a rear loading door that seems to have been poorly welded shut.
  • Two uniformed Aether security forces wait at the gate to the Lab and will allow the Squad access beyond the fence. They casually smoke cigarettes and express little desire to engage with the Operators. If pressed, they will reveal that multiple security personnel were killed trying to retrieve Dr. Thurston, and the rest of the force was pulled back.
  • Security cameras are mounted on the roof of the building at each corner and seem to follow the Operators’ movements.
    • If an Operator gazes into a camera lens, they must roll a Sanity Save as swirling formulas of esoteric mathematics and strange, vast, dark vistas swirl in their mind. On a failure, they take 3 Stress (5 on a Crit Fail) and make a Panic Check.

Scene 2

Location: Lab 375 (Upper Level)

Purpose: Gain entry into the lab’s sub-level

  • The interior of the upper level is administrative offices and worker cubicles. Security cameras are found in every area and seem to follow the Operators’ movements. Looking directly into a camera has the same effect as in Scene 1.
  • It appears most equipment has been removed or was in the process of being removed. A security checkpoint near the front is vacant and has a network terminal.
    • A successful (Basic) Network hack of the terminal allows the Operator access to the security cameras of the floor. It will alert them to the armed Security Drone and dead security personnel.
    • Disabling the Drone requires completing a (Difficult) Network hack.
    • However, the terminal is corrupted by the same daemonic influence that has overtaken Dr. Thurston. An Operator must roll a Sanity Save to attempt to disconnect.
      • On a Failed Save, the Operator takes 3 Stress and makes a Panic check, as dark oily fluid runs from their eyes, nose, mouth, and ears.
      • On a Crit Fail, the Operator takes 5 Stress and makes a Panic check.
      • Any other Operators who witness this also take 2 Stress.
  • A sign for ‘Elevator to Laboratory’ leads to a closed swinging door riddled with bullet holes. The door opens into a hallway with an elevator located about 10 meters away at the far end. The elevator is being guarded by an Armed Security Drone that Dr. Thurston has reprogrammed. The three-day-old dead bodies of two security personnel lie rotting in the hallway. The elevator is functional and leads to the Laboratory Sub-Level.
    • Operators take 2 Stress when first witnessing these corpses unless they saw them on the security camera before entering the hallway.

Scene 3

Location: Lab 375 (Sub-Level)

Purpose: Confront Dr. Thurston

  • The elevator opens up to a small chamber with another locked security door. The entry panel access is located in a closed security cabinet.
    • The Doctor has booby-trapped the cabinet with Biosynthetic Grubs. If an Operator opens the cabinet, they and anyone else within Close range, are immediately assaulted by grubs attempting to burrow into their flesh or tech. The Operator must make a Reflex save.
      • On a success, the grubs do not succeed in infiltrating the Operator.
      • On a failure, the Operator takes 3 Stress, Standard (2) damage, and must make a Panic Check.
      • On a Crit Fail, they take 2 Stress, Massive (4) damage, and must make a Panic check.
      • The first time any Operator witnesses a Grub attack, they must make a Fear Save. Afterward, any Grubs that have not burrowed into a host become inert.
  • The central lab appears to be in the process of being dismantled. The equipment seems to be missing or is partially packed away. Multiple glass cylinders housing biosynthetic grubs are still functioning. A doorway leads to the Doctor's office.
    • If the cylinders are destroyed or opened, the grubs react the same way as in the previous chamber, attempting to infiltrate anyone within Close range.
  • The Doctor's office and lab are in a state of disarray, various lab tables and equipment are strewn about the room, and inert grubs are scattered across the floor. Against the back wall is a floor-to-ceiling computer station to which the body of Dr. Thurston has begun to fuse. The Doctor’s skull has partially erupted with various cables and tendrils which intertwine with the computer terminal itself. They are immobile, but their lidless eyes dart around the room and focus on any Operators who enter.
    • All Operators must make a Sanity Save when first seeing the Doctor’s corrupted form.
    • Upon seeing the Operators, the Doctor whispers into the room, “Join us, let the new world crawl within you,” and will immediately Spew Grubs (see Stat Block) at the nearest Operator. This will initiate a combat encounter. If the Operators succeed in destroying the Doctor, all remaining Grubs become inert, curing the Operators of any further contagion.