CHROME Rulebook /// rules

Dice Mechanics

Rolling Dice

There are three types of dice rolls in a game of CHROME:

  • d10 Roll a single 10-sided die. You will generate a whole number between 1 and 10.
  • d20 Roll a single 20-sided die. You will generate a whole number between 1 and 20.
  • d100 Roll a single 100-sided die. You will generate a whole number between 00 and 99.


There are times where your character will need to make a or , and the situation is in your character’s favor. When this occurs, the odds of a good outcome increase; this is called having Advantage. When you roll with Advantage:

  1. Roll a d100 twice
  2. Choose the better result

Control will decide whether a particular action or effect will give Advantage.

Examples of things that may confer Advantage:

  • Assistance from another player
  • Being in cover
  • CyberTech
  • Taking certain drugs


There are other times when your character needs to make a or in which the chance of success is significantly reduced. This is called having Disadvantage. When you roll with Disadvantage:

  1. Roll a d100 twice
  2. Choose the worse result

Control will decide whether a particular action or effect will give Disadvantage.

Examples of things which may confer Disadvantage:

  • Poor Conditions, such as terrain or weather
  • Effects
  • Certain CyberTech
  • Being injured
  • Complicated tasks

Critical Success and Failure

Whenever you roll a Stat Check or Save, and the result is doubles (e.g., 11, 22, 88) you have rolled what is called a Critical.

If the result is a success, it becomes a . You have exceptionally succeeded at the task.

  • - Gain 2
  • - Gain 2 Conviction
  • Combat Check - Double Damage
  • (Speed) Check - Gain 1 Immediately
  • (Intellect) Check - 2 successes against the System
  • (Healing) - Operator Gains Full Health
  • Rest (Conviction) - Double amount of relieved

If the result is a failure, it becomes a . Something terrible has just occurred that will result in a penalty or complication.

  • Save - Receive 3 Stress and make a
  • - Every Operator in the squad receives 3 Stress and must make a Panic Check
  • Stat Check - Receive 2 Stress
  • Initiative (Speed) Check - Lose 1 Major Action on Your First Turn
  • Hacking (Intellect) Check - System Lockdown
  • Rest - Healing () - Suffer 2 Damage
  • Rest - Conviction () - Receive 2 Stress and make a Panic Check

Opposed Checks

When attempting a task in direct competition with another entity in the game (security system, another Operator, etc.), Control may call for an Opposed Check. When making an Opposed Check, you and the opponent both roll a as usual and compare the results. Whoever rolled lowest while still succeeding on their Check wins the Opposed Check. Such checks may not always involve the same Stat for each participant. They may also include Saves.

  • A always beat regular success, even if the Critical Success is a higher roll.
  • If your roll is a , then the opponent wins the Opposed Check, even if the opponent also failed their check.
  • If both succeed and roll the same number, re-roll.
  • If both results are Critical Successes, the lower roll wins.
  • If both results fail or Critical Fail, the situation deteriorates, and Control will tell you how things just got worse.