CHROME Rulebook /// rules

Stats and Saves


An Operator’s Stats reflect their level of ability in a number of important areas. Your Operator’s four Stats are:

  • Strength: Physical power and brute force
  • Speed: Quickness, agility, and hand-eye coordination
  • Intellect: Processing and recalling information
  • Combat: Fighting and handling weapons

Stat Checks

The streets of New Los Angeles are a dangerous place. Often your character will need to accomplish complex tasks to survive and earn those sweet credits. To see if your character succeeds, you will roll a Stat Check following the steps below:

  1. Decide on the appropriate Stat for the Check
  2. Roll a d100
  3. If you roll equal to or above your Stat score, you fail your Stat Check

If you fail a Stat Check, you receive 1 . You may suffer additional consequences depending on the Stat type.

If you Critically Fail a Stat Check, you receive 2 Stress.

If you roll a on a Stat Check, you gain 2 . In addition, something special may happen that benefits your character in some way. These cases are up to Control to arbitrate depending on the situation and type of Stat. (i.e. a Critical Success on a Combat Check does double damage against an enemy.)

Other situations and factors that may modify a Stat Check or its results:

  • and
  • Critical Successes and

Save Types

When outside forces attempt to assail your body and mind, Control may call for you to make a Save Roll. Your character has four different types of Saves:

  • Sanity: A measure of the ability of your mind to adapt and rationalize to phenomena that shouldn’t make sense, overcome obfuscation, and maintain reason when confronted by chaos. Roll a Sanity Save against the strange, twisted, or weird.
  • Fear: A measure of your mental resolve when confronted with either visceral horror or emotional distress such as surprise, shock, and loneliness. Roll a Fear Save against the frightening, revolting, or threatening.
  • Body: How well your physical form resists infiltration from things such as disease, poison, drugs, or parasitic organisms. Roll a Body Save against chem weapons, viruses, or narcotic withdrawal.
  • Reflex: A measure of your ability to avoid physical damage in combat. Roll a Reflex Save against bullets, swords, or explosives.


  1. Decide on the appropriate Save
  2. Roll a d100
  3. Compare the result on the dice against your score in that Save:
    • If you roll under that score, you pass your Save and suffer no ill effects.
    • If you roll equal to or above that score, you fail your Save.

If you Fail a Save you receive 1 . You will suffer additional consequences depending on the Save type. (i.e. taking damage on a failed Reflex Save.)

If you Critically Fail a Save, you receive 3 Stress and must make a .

If you roll a on a Save, you gain 2 . In addition, something special may happen that benefits your character in some way. These cases are up to Control to arbitrate depending on the situation and type of Save. (i.e. a Critical Success on a against a virulent bioweapon causes the character to gain inhuman Strength for the next minute.)

Prime Saves

Each has a specific Save type with which they are most adept and confident. Whenever an Operator makes a Save using their Prime Save type, they will gain increased benefits on successes and additional penalties for failures.

BackgroundPrime Save

Things to Know about Prime Saves:

  • Whenever an Operator fails a Prime Save, they receive 1 , and all other Operators in their Squad also receive 1 Stress.
  • Whenever an Operator Critically Fails a Prime Save, they and all Operators in the group receive 3 Stress & make a .
  • Whenever an Operator succeeds on a Prime Save, they recover 1 .
  • Whenever an Operator Critically succeeds on a Prime Save, they regain 2 Conviction.